
Eric and Rebecca Engagement

When you meet someone unexpectedly and fall in love, it’s often a sign that this person is meant to be in your life. That is exactly what happened for Eric and Rebecca! While working together, they developed a close friendship. Neither had been looking for a partner. And I think that makes their relationship even more genuine and meaningful.

Now as some of you may know, Rebecca is my cousin (although I’ve always considered her to be more of a sister), and we grew up very close. She is kind, loving, tough and hilarious. I have seen her happy several times over the years from different occasions, but I have NEVER seen her like this. Eric makes her light up in a new way I have never seen before. They are both so comfortable with each other. Eric definitely fits in our family (sorry Eric. That may be taken as a compliment or an insult! lol)

Another thing I love about these two is that they like to have fun together. Usually engagement sessions can start out a little serious until the couple gets comfortable and begins to enjoy themselves. Eric and Rebecca broke the ice right away with their funny gestures and goofy faces and just had fun being themselves. But if they hadn’t, the random stranger we met during our session, offering his baby goat for photos would have done it! This was a first! Being a good sport, Rebecca risked those baby leg punchers and loved on that adorable little guy for a few shots. The things that happen when you visit Eugene! It was definitely a unique experience none of us will forget!

The big day is set for this June and I cannot wait to be a part of their intimate celebration. While I always feel honored to be chosen as a couples photographer and entrusted with such an important task, such as capturing their wedding, I feel especially honored when it is someone I hold near and dear to my heart!

Congratulations Bobo and Eric! (new nickname pending)

Thanks for reading!

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